Monday 19 May 2014

Jamie Oliver Food Revolution!

On Friday's VIP Club the children too part in Jamie Oliver's record breaking attempt for the largest cooking lesson ever! Mr Cownie signed up the VI resource a couple of weeks ago to join in with over a million other children from all over the world to simultaneously prepare a healthy snack with Jamie live on You tube.
Everything prepared and ready....even the You Tube link!
 We even had Mrs Warland come and see what was happening.

Before the beginning of the broadcast, Mr Cownie went through all the ingredients as a bit of pre-teaching, so that the children could familiarise themselves with all the items they would encounter.

Then it was time for some Jamie Oliver. The children listened intently to the live broadcast, where Jamie explained the reason for the day and its purpose. He then went on to demonstrate the recipe, step by step to make a 'Rainbow Salad Wrap'.

Then it was our go!

We grated pear...
and carrot (MR C did the beetroot to save fingers and dying everyone's hands purple!)

Then we mixed yoghurt....


Olive oil...

And some mint and parsley, for the dressing.

Then we dressed the salad...

...with our hands.

Finally it was time to assembly our Rainbow Wrap.

The mixed vegetables and dressing were placed in the centre of a wholemeal wrap...

Time for some fiddly fingers...and....

....nearly there...

Hey presto....Rainbow Wraps all completed and wrapped in greaseproof paper ready for delivery home to a hopefully appreciative family!!

We had a great afternoon, from joining in with Jamie on the live stream from London, to making our own salad dressing and dressing the salad....with our hands! It was a fantastic sensory experience as well as a lot of fun.

1 comment:

  1. The key did they taste? Should I be asking for the recipe? Mrs spurr


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