As part of our termly 'venturing out ' into the world, the staff and children of the Oasis visited the 'Pavilion on the Park in Eastleigh.
We were visiting the new 'Sensory4All' space.
This fantastic space has only recently opened. Thanks to funding from HCC the centre was able to design a multi-use sensory space for use by people of all ages and abilities.
The room incorporates an omiVista Interactive floor projection system where projected images respond to gestures and movement.
This was an amazing system which the children really engaged with. Over the hour we spend in the Pavilion we had flowers, rocks, even bumble bees all moving around the floor trying to avoid our feet!
The room also includes soft seating and floor pads, a large bubble tube, mirrors, a sensory projector, colour-changing lighting and a multi-media projections system, much of which the children could control themselves.
There was also a good selection of sensory toys which the children enjoyed investigating.
And a small tent...which found itself immediately full of children within moments of our arrival!
Thank You to all the staff at the Pavilion for accomodating us and making us feel so welcome. If you have the chance to visit the Pavilion then we recomend the 'Sensory4all'.
It is one of the many facilities that support the Hampshire Gateway card, which provides children with disabilities and their families great opportunites to get out and about.

Thanks for coming down to the Sensory4all session, it was great to see so many of your children enjoying and benefiting from the new facility. We have drop-in sessions every Saturday morning from 9.30am-11am and the next Sensory Gateway session is on Friday 18th April from 10.30am-12pm - places limited so please book in advance. We look forward to welcoming students and staff from Kings Copse at future sessions!